Inspire your students to love learning by teaching with the same passion as a coach. Learn techniques that will make your classroom an exciting place where all students are excited to learn.
For an additional $99, you can use your certificate to earn one graduate-level semester credit hour through the University of the Pacific.
This self-paced course focuses on:
- small group learning
- meaningful projects
- useful technology
- motivating students
- fun activities
- positive classroom culture
- working smart, not hard
- inspiring creativity and curiosity
At the end of the course, you'll get the time to reflect and plan, and participants will receive a certificate of completion with professional development credit hours. Check with your district or state DOE for prior approval of credit hours.
Ask your district administrator or supervisor to support PD that you will actually enjoy. Email the PO (purchase order) to [email protected].
Course Curriculum
Hi, I'm Scott and I've been teaching since 2004.
Over the years, I've discovered that it's not easy to create an engaging and fun activity for students. It's truly an art, and I find that I am most creative after a good conversation with a colleague. I started Teacher's Workshop to extend these kinds of conversations beyond the walls of our schools.
Visit Teacher's Workshop to read my blog and listen to my podcast ("The Joys of Teaching Literature"). Visit my Teachers Pay Teachers store to see my resources, many of which you can download for free in the course.